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About Us
Deck&Galley was launched for you, the boat owner or creature of leisure. No more searching for options and wasting countless hours visiting stores with limited choice, or trolling through the internet only to find overseas manufacturers won't ship to Australia. Our aim is to offer the widest and best suited range of quality and affordable boat furniture and accessories to help you get the most out of your boating lifestyle.
From furniture that belongs on a superyacht to something to make the fishing boat more comfortable, we’re sure you’ll find what you’re looking for, with great customer service to match.
What makes us unique is that we’re totally online and dedicated to bringing you choice, at fair value prices. In-fact, we’re the first in Australia to offer a dedicated retail outlet for marine furniture.
Deck&Galley.com offers 24/7 convenient and secure shopping and fast shipping Australia wide, buy with confidence.
100% Australian owned and operated, we're based in Perth, Western Australia.
DeckandGalley.com - Australia’s leading online boat furniture retailer.
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We're always looking for quality marine specific furniture, get in touch now and benefit from using our unique and market leading Australian online sales channel, connecting your marine product with boat owners direct.